A Day in the Life: Carolina Brandão
Head of Production
But first… coffee. Double shot of espresso with a lot of oat milk is how I start my day.
I enjoy having some time for myself before starting my work day. I hit the gym or go for a run outside if the weather is nice to make sure I get the endorphins flowing.
Last but not least, time to bike to the office. Recently I’ve been listening to Baco Exu do Blues, a Brazilian artist’s new album on repeat. It’s the perfect soundtrack to bike around Amsterdam, especially in nice weather.

Time for dailies. The production team is always busy with lots of calls in the morning and making sure that our projects are running smoothly.
Being back at the office feels really good and our Amsterdam headquarters are not too shabby either. We’re actually located on the smallest canal of the city called Achtergracht.

It’s lunchtime! We all like to eat together at the office. (We need a bigger table!) Our newest addition to the office schedule is what we call “Sweet Mondays,” where someone brings in a homemade dessert. Here’s a delicious cheesecake Daniel Rodrigues shared with us.

Ever since going back to the office we try to have in-person meetings whenever possible. If it can be done while on a stroll, even better. Here’s what a meeting with Iasha Chapman and Wendy Lin can look like.
One of the things I do at BUCK is pitching. Below is a cover of one of our amazing decks. I also produce our amazing projects, and I’m very proud of how the new Niantic ident we worked on last year came out. The styleframe below was done by the great Sonal Jadhav.

Days are getting longer in the Netherlands, which means I take the long route back home to enjoy the view. Below is a picture of the cherry trees in Westerpark, close to where I live.
My boyfriend and I really enjoy cooking and having a moment at the end of the day to talk and (obviously) snuggle with the cats for a bit.

I never go to bed without reading a few pages of a book first. I definitely feel like it was a lost habit for a while, but the pandemic gave me the feeling of needing to wind down before going to bed, trying to take the focus away from what’s going on around me so I can get a good night of sleep. Here are some of my recent favorites!

Check out our other Day in the Life staff profiles here.