A Day in the Life: Paola Chen Li

2D Animator

New York

9:30 am → 12:30 pm

I get excited to wake up every day to drink a cup of coffee. I do this while checking the tasks I need to get done and the meetings that are scheduled for the day. Afterwards, I get said work done, attend the daily meetings, and get ready for the day.

12:30 pm → 1:30 pm

This week I was craving avocado toast so I went out and bought a whole loaf of bread. And since bread dies fast (and I refuse to freeze it), I literally had bread in every single meal this week.

It was actually quite a fun challenge to try out different sandwich combinations!

1:30 pm → 4:30 pm

It's "focus" time. I spend the majority of my day inside of After Effects. But I also tend to trackpad my way through Slack, Google Cal, Figma, and the occasional guitar sesh in between.

4:30 pm → 5 pm

Snack time, always. My roommate introduced me to this banana and peanut butter combo a couple of months ago and it has become my go-to snack ever since.

5 pm → 6:30 pm

I'm forced to take a break from the screen when I see the sun bouncing around my room.

Lately, the weather has been quite unpredictable, with rain falling and sun shining… whenever. I've been wearing chunky sweaters paired with shorts — what weather is that outfit even suited for?

But on clear days, where I get to catch warm sunsets, I can't help but take a photo every. single. time. This has become part of my routine.

6:30 pm → 7:30 pm

Around 6:30pm I log off and go work out. I usually do Ring Fit (on the Nintendo Switch) which a lot of people think of as a silly game so here are some shots of me exercising a “normal” workout — running.

7:30 pm → 11 pm

This is my feel-good (but not good for my body) meal. Love me some noodles with bok choy and chili oil with a side of pork and vegetable mandu (dumplings).

I end my day with Duolingo (I'm studying Korean so that I can sing along to NewJeans) and one last jam before it all starts over again tomorrow.

Check out our other Day in the Life staff profiles here.