2018 — 2019
An in-house app that paved the way for new AR abilities. Building Slapstick from the ground up in-house taught us a lot of valuable lessons, and continues to provide plenty of fodder for pushing virtual boundaries.

After we cracked video recording and social sharing for our initial launch of Slapstick, we threw our creative and tech teams at a feature we'd never seen in augmented reality: Post Capture.
Left: UX flow for integration of the Post Capture process into Slapstick’s app structure.
Right: Demo of the Post Capture process when editing a previously-saved draft.
Post Capture makes the Slapstick app more flexible, versatile, and user-friendly. Typical AR apps require users to add AR content before recording their video or snapping a selfie. Our Post Capture feature allows editing AR in content that has already been recorded and saved.
Video highlighting the AR cloud point data that’s saved during an in-app scene recording.
We accomplish this by storing the AR environment (i.e. planes and point clouds), as well as the motion and position of the phone's camera while the user records their video. This information is saved to a custom file type that’s recalled when the user enters the Post Capture mode. The app rebuilds the environment so that stickers can be placed in the correlating 3-D space. As the user scrubs through their video, the in-app camera is moved along the saved camera path, which adds the camera motion in the video to their newly-added stickers. Once the user is happy with their edit, the app records a new video that splices together the new stickers and the previous video.