BUCK Becomes a B Corp


To celebrate our B Corp certification, we invited BUCK artists to reimagine the B Corp logo in their own unique styles. This open call to our artists is ongoing, just like our commitment to uphold B Corp’s standards.

bcorporation.net ↗

B Corp Certification

To qualify as a B Corp, companies must undergo rigorous evaluation against B Lab’s stringent criteria that evaluates impact on workers, community, consumers, and the environment. BUCK coordinated directly with B Lab to examine our operational practices and ensure we’re crafting impact that will outlast us — ultimately becoming a permanent facet of BUCK’s legacy. As of April 9, 2024, we officially achieved certification and decided to celebrate.

Mark Kulakoff

Joy Tien

Ben Nichols

Victoria Kociman

Ameilia Chen

Sam Lee

Sam Lee

Diego Morales

Tuo Kan

Jamiel Law

Jennifer Whitney

Victoria Kociman

Patrick Sluiter

Ben Nichols

Marla Moore

Drew Wiebe

Asia Hunt

Amelia Giller

Julia Mattos

Grace Park

Ben Nichols

Jose Flores

Jeni Wamberg

Yker Moreno

Max Vogel

Auron Luxe

Amelia Giller

Rafael Bessa

Jeni Wamberg

Jamiel Law

Jacob Myrick

Codie Chang

Ben Langsfeld

Surabhi Rathi

Grace Park

Gunnar Pettersson

Peeks at Process


The B Corp Team

Chief Operating Officer

Madison Wharton

Chief Design Officer

Ben Langsfeld

Head of Strategy

Marla Moore

Communications Director

Tarley Jordan

Creative Director

Jennifer Whitney


Erin Lockard

Senior Strategist

Asia Hunt

Social Strategist

Madison Caprara

Animation Lead

Juan Ric Hernandez


Aaron Ingold

Amelia Chen

Amelia Giller

Asia Hunt

Auron Luxe

Ben Langsfeld

Ben Nichols

Codie Chang

Diego Morales

Drew Wiebe

Grace Park

Gunnar Pettersson

Jacob Myrick

Jamiel Law

Jeni Wamberg

Jennifer Whitney

Jose Flores

Joy Tien

Julia Mattos

Mark Kulakoff

Marla Moore

Max Vogel

Patrick Sluiter

Rafael Bessa

Sam Lee

Surabhi Rathi

Tuo Kan

Victoria Kociman

Yker Moreno