Holiday VR Party
2020 — 2021
After nearly a year of seeing each other trapped in digital rectangles on countless video calls, we needed to kick off 2021 by doing something different. Something to reconnect us all. Here was our idea: Send 300 Oculus Quest VR headsets to all BUCK employees around the world. Then, organize a company-wide party in VR, complete with a live DJ, an art gallery, games, a keynote presentation, virtual cocktails, and fireworks. Oh, and build the world for that party from scratch.

Cool. But why VR?
Virtual reality is surprisingly powerful stuff.
Even though you are consciously aware that you're in a virtual world, the reptile part of your brain isn't. This creates a sense of presence and explains why VR works so well for things that are hard to convey via chest-up 2D video chat.
VR also helps us regain things lost by not being in the office together:
- Watercooler moments of social connection
- Trust-building
- Work/life/home balance
- New creative opportunities

We wanted the environment to feel positive, warm, and playful.
In the early sketch phase, we discovered that we loved filling the virtual world with warm, all-encompassing, undulating gradients. We also did a lot of experimenting with soft forms and structures.
Using saturated gradients as a sky-scape and a sculpture garden of playful shapes and iconic Buck characters, we focused on feelings of optimism and fun as we continued to explore.

VR Sculpting & CG Modeling
As a tool, VR played a big part in the creative production process. Not only was the landscape sculpted in VR, we held review sessions in VR. We had lunch in VR. We even showered in VR. (Spoiler: not the same.)
We pulled off things that would be difficult or impossible at an in-person event, like hanging out with giant animated characters or launching fireworks into your friend's face.

Party Scenes

Orion Tait
Fredrik Frizell
Madison Wharton
Dir. Comms Strategy
Justin Cone
Dir. Creative Tech
Michael Delaney
Dir. Campus Ops
Melissa Balam
Kevin Walker
Joe Mullen
Creative Direction
Vinicius Naldi
Lead Creative Tech
Donovan Keith
Nick Pettit
Kirin Robinson
Creative Tech/Unity
Haolin Fang
Kellan Cartledge
Max Lauter
Event Manager
John Bajana
Art Director
Brendi Wedinger
Alfonso Peterson
Pete DeSalvo
Tyler Lancaster
Hogan Williams
Zoé Schneider