Meta Connect 23
Meta Connect is an annual developers’ conference devoted to AI and virtual, mixed, and augmented realities. For its 10th anniversary, Meta wanted the visual identity to feel human, relatable, and ready to use — inspiring people to come together and make connections to expand their world.
This 2-day IRL and virtual event for Meta’s community of developers, builders, and creators is designed to showcase new product and technological innovation, as well as the state of the metaverse today.

A milestone in the making, this marks the 10-year anniversary for Meta Connect, as well as the first time the event happened IRL. We helped craft the brand system for Meta Connect 23 from the ground-up. We utilized emojis and expressive typography to bring familiar elements to the metaverse and personify mixed reality experiences.
Much of what had been futurecast at previous events is now a Meta reality, with ideas coming to life in actual products and tools. This look and feel celebrates where the Meta ecosystem is today, as well as its possibilities for the future.
The animation was focused on creating delightful moments. Our reaction animations functioned like they do in social media spaces, but with an experimental touch that tapped in to Meta Connect’s origins.
We took this opportunity to create something familiar yet fresh — a typographic system that comes alive using the abstract textures of the metaverse.
The hybrid event also required a full multi-screen experience. We worked to systematize and codify each element and its relationship to the event narrative so it could be used in the live stream run of show.

Because this year’s event was in-person, we got to extend our package beyond the screen and onto the Meta campus.
We scattered sculptures of the different brand elements and metaverse abstractions across the Meta Menlo Park campus, amplifying the mixed reality message and normalizing the forms.

All in all, our task was to bring people together, foster understanding, and create excitement about the possibilities of an expanded world.
Executive Creative Director
Kevin Walker
Group Creative Director
Camille Chu
Executive Producer
Justin Harris
Associate Creative Director
Gosha Kuznetsov
Fernanda Garcia Lopez
Production Coordinator
Nina Randall
Head of 3D / 3D Supervisor
Alex Dingfelder
Bill Dorais
Art Director
Lauren King
Kevin Heo
3D Lead
Kien Hoang
2D Animation Lead
Anton Thallner
Juan Ricardo Hernandez
Audrey Kang
David Evans
Ida Zhu
Berni Charadia
Lauren King
Amanda Godreau
Andy Hahn
Wendy Eduarte
Victoria Kociman
Harrison Grant
CG Supervisor
Hogan Williams
Marc Steinberg
Andy Hahn
Samuel "Jacky" Jackson
Terence Ginja-Martinho
Kevin Heo
Samuel "Jacky" Jackson
Kien Hoang
Terence Ginja-Martinho
Kevin Heo
Kien Hoang
Samuel "Jacky" Jackson
3D Animation
Andy Hahn
Samuel "Jacky" Jackson
Terence Ginja-Martinho
Adam Webber
2D Animation
Lauren Kittle
Drew Jackson
Nick Brown
Nicole DiLeo
Joseph Moon
Lauren Tom
Esteban Esquivo
3D Technical Artist
Thomas Robertson
Sizzle Film
Creative Director
Andy Lyon
Haeri Cho
2D Lead
Juan Ricardo Hernandez
2D Animation/After Effects
Drew Jackson
Lauren Kittle
Mark Ryan Myers
Special Thanks
Arielle Casale
Marla Moore
Surabhi Rathi
Jose Fuentes
Jens Lindgren
Heather Bartholomae
Music Studio