Microsoft Hololens
As Microsoft is pivoting to industrial applications for its Hololens AR technology, they wanted to demonstrate their technological capabilities in a series of case studies. We came on board to transform what could have been dry explainer videos into some visually-exciting eye candy.
Each of the four films we created (2 minutes each) had its own narrative and its own vibe and visual language. And each one needed to support both statistical and abstract discussion points while keeping the viewer engaged.
The challenge was the subject matter was pretty opaque and inside baseball. So the question was how do we visualize complex industrial and medical information into easily digestible bits of elegant design.

We took a hybrid approach to design — developing stills and motion at the same time so they could help inform each other.
These films have a feel of technological complexity while remaining very minimal in execution.

This job initially felt like it might be on the dry side but we were absolutely blown away by what this thing can do. Brain surgery through augmented reality, making satellite and rocket parts through virtual heads-up displays, using holograms to teach about anatomy. It was like a science fiction movie, but instead of bleak and apocalyptic it made you feel hopeful about the future of humanity.
We had little production constraints on this so let our creativity run wild. These films are a mix of live action and 2D animation. We brought expertise to the copywriting because of the subject matter and we brought it all together with some creative editing. There was a great conversation between ourselves and our clients about how to find the best solve for every piece of the puzzle. And I think we’re both very satisfied about how this thing came together.
Executive Creative Director
Kevin Walker
Executive Producer
Luisa Murray
Creative Director
Dan Marsh
Associate Creative Director
Gosha Kuznetsov
Jamey Kitchens
CG Supervisor
Alex Dingfelder
CG Lead
Adam Webber
Judah Dobin
Ana Gomez Bernaus
Daniel Hyo Kim
Kenneth Kuh
Kenni Huang
Mau Borba
Rafael Bessa
2D Animation
Abigail Fairfax
Dries Van Broeck
James Kim
Marco van der Vlag
Moses Journey
Terence Ginja-Martinho
Tobias Kutz
3D Animation
Adam Webber
Andy Hahn
Mau Borba
Nick Scarcella
Trevor Kerr
William Mendoza
Billy Kostka
Paal Rui
Assistant Editor
TJ Rozsa
Music Studio
Zelig Sound
Composer/Sound Designer
Mattew Wilcock