Amazon Lips
2018 — 2019
We help Amazon Music push its new streaming service with this lickable series featuring some of the biggest names in the music biz. Alexa, pass the chapstick.
A Voice Is All You Need
This campaign is a fun, ‘a cappella’ celebration of music and personal expression for Amazon Music, powered by Alexa. Each spot for this series is unique, reflecting the breadth and diversity of the different musical styles. We strived for each one to capture the look and feel of the artist, their song, and their world.
01. SZA & Kendrick Lamar ↓
All The Stars
For this Academy Award-nominated song from the Black Panther soundtrack we went intergalactic with some starry, cel animation. In order to differentiate Kendrick and SZA we did two styles of lips: Kendrick was angular and masculine, SZA was softer and more feminine. We also used tribal markings on the lips as a nod to the motherland. Wakanda Forever!

Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey
Managing Executive Producer
Maurie Enochson
Executive Producer
Emily Rickard
Creative Director
Jenny Ko
Justin Harris
Design Lead
Debora Cruchon
Jigyu Yoon
Junyi Xiao
Concept Art
Debora Cruchon
Jigyu Yoon
Mark Kulakoff
Animation Lead
Moses Journey
2D Animation
Brianne Gagg
Daniel Rodrigues
David Glicksman
Fran Krause
Jose Pena
Matt Everton
Moses Journey
Nick Petley
Sol Lee
Song E Kim
Taylor Griggs
02. Queen ↓
Somebody to Love
Before Rami Malek lip-synched his way through Queen's back catalog, we did this isolated lift of one of their most iconic songs. Visually inspired by the soft, airbrushed artwork adorning the cover of ‘A Day at the Races,’ we also carefully studied film recordings of Freddy's rendition to capture the physicality and nuance of his performance (and those choppers!).

Executive Creative Director
Orion Tait
Executive Producer
Anne Skopas
Creative Director
Jon Gorman
Billy Mack
Art Director
Simone Noronha
Tucker Klein
Amelia Chen
Olivia Blanc
Simone Noronha
AE Animation
Alex Perry
Gilles Desmadrille
Gonzalo Menevichian
Jon Gorman
Tyler Wergin
Cel Animation
Olivia Blanc
Sofia Pashaei
Tim Beckhardt
Tucker Klein
William Trebutien
Alex Perry
Gilles Desmadrille
03. Whitney Houston ↓
I Wanna Dance With Somebody
This one is a glossy, luscious callback to the OG video — from the colors and locked-off camera to the transitions, we jumped that Hot Tub Time Machine to 1987. We even mirror her signature head bop with the movement of the lips to capture that intangible Whitney spirit. And for you dentists who noticed the over-abundance of teeth, this exaggeration was artistic license — when she hits those high notes, her mouth feels infinite.

Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey
Managing Executive Producer
Maurie Enochson
Executive Producer
Emily Rickard
Creative Director
Jenny Ko
Justin Harris
Art Director
Audrey Yeo
Junyi Xiao
Audrey Yeo
Jigyu Yoon
2D Animation
Jake Armstrong
Junyi Xiao
Rafael Araujo
Ryoko Kondo
Stephen Loveluck
Taylor Griggs
04. Ariana Grande ↓
No Tears Left to Cry
What do you do with a four-octave voice that can hit the whistle register? You take it flying up in the air and into the clouds. These cumulus cuties were painted with old-school, matte paintings.

Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey
Managing Executive Producer
Maurie Enochson
Executive Producer
Emily Rickard
Creative Director
Jenny Ko
Justin Harris
Head of CG & Creative Technology
Doug Wilkinson
CG Supervisor
Alex Dingfelder
Animation Director
Moses Journey
CG Lead
Jens Lindgren
Jigyu Yoon
Junyi Xiao
Concept Art
Elaine Lee
Jigyu Yoon
Jigyu Yoon
Junyi Xiao
Mark Kulakoff
Matte Painting
Elaine Lee
2D Animation
Jake Portman
Jonathan Peartree
Ken Pelletier
Matt Deans
Moses Journey
Song E Kim
Elias Glasch
Jing Huang
3D Animation
Dony Permedi
Jaime Mora
Peter DeSalvo
Jens Lindgren
Kien Hoang
Ben Rohel
Jake Portman
Jens Lindgren
Ken Pelletier
05. Imagine Dragons ↓
For Imagine Dragons we created the rugged, menacing, world of "Natural" for our 'Lips' to traverse. To achieve a rich, textured grittiness we built practical sets in-house with cardboard, silicone, glitter and paint and shot this icy beauty with stop-motion animation.

Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey
Managing Executive Producer
Maurie Enochson
Executive Producer
Emily Rickard
Creative Director
Robert Bisi
Associate Creative Director
Andy Lyon
Justin Harris
Head of CG & Creative Technology
Doug Wilkinson
CG Supervisor
Alex Dingfelder
Art Director
Tony Legato
CG Lead
Jens Lindgren
Composite Lead
David Glicksman
Silvia Bassoli
Concept Art & Design
Debora Cruchon
Ren Chen
Silvia Bassoli
Tony Legato
Jens Lindgren
Raph Phillips
Alex Mann
3D Animation
Dony Permedi
Elizabeth Golan
2D Animation
Brianne Gagg
Esteban Esquivo
Ryoko Kondo
Ariel Loza
Jens Lindgren
David Glicksman
Jens Lindgren
Live Action
Line Producer
Trish Rigby
Director of Photography
Helder K Sun
Amber Padgett
Jeff Cross
Kristen Meyers
Melody Palisoc
Rachel Mark
Stop Motion Animator
Dan Mackenzie
Joe Heinen
Art Director
Alexis Deprey
06. Taylor Swift ↓
You Need To Calm Down
For America’s Sweetheart we went bright and airy in a calming, 3-D garden that we stuffed with Easter eggs. From the butterflies modeled on the different artists who did cameos in the video, to Taylor’s own cat which we transformed into a kitschy, garden ornament. meow.

Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey
Executive Producer
Emily Rickard
Creative Director
Joe Mullen
David Guti Rosado
Art Director
Fernando Bittar
CG Supervisor
Alex Dingfelder
Animation Director
Alessandro Ceglia
Audrey Yeo
Ben Nichols
Dae-Han Yi
Debora Cruchon
Drew Berry
Jake Armstrong
Janice Ahn
Jigyu Yoon
Jong Lee
Justin Harder
Tony Legato
Alfonso Petersen
Eugene Goryachev
Michele Herrera
Look Development
Jean Delaunay
Alex Dingfelder
Alfonso Petersen
Eugene Goryachev
Kien Hoang
Michele Herrera
Rigging Supervisor
Ernesto Ruiz Velasco
Fleming Lin
Jing Huang
3D Animation
Alessandro Ceglia
Jaime Mora
Peter DeSalvo
Tyler Lancaster
Technical Animation
Marc Steinberg
Cel Animation
Jake Armstrong
2D Animation
Jake Armstrong
Matt Rosenfeld
Alex Dingfelder
Eugene Goryachev
Kien Hoang
Alex Dingfelder
Eugene Goryachev
Marc Steinberg
David Vendette
07. Chance The Rapper ↓
Sun Come Down
To bottle Chance the Rapper’s flow we went with a fluid, liquidy, B&W graphic style executed with old-school, cel animation. We poured in details from his world: vinyl, cassette tapes, turntables, and, of course, the mean streets of Chi-town.

Executive Creative Director
Ryan Honey
Executive Producer
Luisa Murray
Creative Director
Joe Mullen
David Guti Rosado
Art Director
Fernando Bittar
Animation Director
Moses Journey
Animation Lead
Jake Armstrong
Daniel Amdemichael
Debora Cruchon
Jake Armstrong
Junyi Xiao
Rafael Araujo
Tony Legato
Alexander Bernas
Jake Armstrong
Junyi Xiao
Lisa Kim
Lumi Chang
Rafael Araujo
Ryoko Kondo
Stephen Loveluck
CG Generalist
Moses Journey
Moses Journey