“Shopping? — Yaaassssss!” We had the pleasure of working with a secretive skin-care brand in San Francisco to create a seamless 360 in-store experience, welcoming guests to a vision of the future of shopping.

We love mashing things together to make something new.
We wanted to find that sweet spot between cheeky illustrative 2-D animation and an endless cinema screen (created by the clever people at Igloo Vision). We didn’t just do it. We got all phygital with it.
Our assignment: Devise a threshold event that preps you for a new kind of concept store experience. It’s a welcome hug of arresting imagery and anthemic prompts, designed to invigorate and excite visitors before their tech-led skincare lab.

Designing and animating for a 360 format presented a lot of fun challenges, especially when the canvas is a 64’ long, 8’ tall seamless loop with an image provided by five overlapping 4K projectors. Piece of cake. A very looong, moving piece of cake.

Center of a circle →
We deliberately composed and animated each sequence to pull focus toward a single, central point — our defined front. We then wove in moments that shifted focus beyond the periphery of vision, shaping a gentle push-pull of attention. Also scattered throughout are visual rewards for those curious enough to glance away from the main action.
To get this just right, our research team even built a 1:1 VR review environment to visualize the screening space before moving on-site.
Need proof that it worked? Just check out that sick double vanishing point at the end of this piece that suddenly places you adrift in an ocean of non-euclidean geometry and cosmetic graphics.

Creating Ambience →
On location, guests moving in and out of the theater are enveloped by an oscillating field of color before and after each screening. Built with a custom procedural setup, ‘targets’ are animated by hand, with each attracting a specific point of color. In a continuous loop, colors undulate, blur, mix, and refract with one another to bathe all in a welcoming glow. Welcome to the future of shopping.
Coming soon!