2018 — 2019
Ever fought your way through a post-apocalyptic, zombie wasteland? Ever seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion? Have you ever hitched a ride on a humpback whale a mile beneath the surface? When our long-time client/collaborator asked us to deliver a cool, colorful VR store for Oculus we had to ask, “Is this real life?”
Are you game?
A focus on characters and the humanity behind Oculus’s exciting games makes this interactive, ever-evolving Store as engaging and fun as the worlds it opens up to you.

Through real time and space.
On top of our themed collections, we create ongoing seasonal releases and holiday packs to help keep the Store feeling fresh and fun for every VR voyage.

Executive Creative Director
Kevin Walker
Executive Producer
Emily Rickard
Creative Director
Kevin Walker
David Guti Rosado
Kirsten Collabolletta
Art Director
Casey Latiolais
CG Supervisor
Alex Dingfelder
Alvaro Navarro
Brendi Wedinger
Brianne Gagg
Casey Latiolais
Emanuele Marani
Felipe Medina
Jean-Michel Verbeeck
Mark Kulakoff
Marla Moore
Martin Cusano
Mau Borba
Sebastian Andaur
Sol Lee
Trey Holt
Yas Vicente
Look Development
Adam Webber
Alfonso Petersen
Eugene Goryachev
Wing Sze Lee