StreetEasy "Let the Journey Begin"
Together we chronicle the epic journey of navigating New York’s real estate market transformed into charming Renaissance-style paintings. BUCK partnered with StreetEasy and Mother New York to illustrate the beauty, drama, and relief when you find the perfect studio space, get pre-approval for your dream apartment, or land in the neighborhood that finally feels like home. The result is a collection of hand-painted, modern masterpieces that are quintessentially New York.
We took modern scenes many New Yorkers know too well — rush hour on the subway, crossing the river on a ferry, a co-op board gathering over a bagel breakfast — and illustrated them in a Renaissance painting style.

The journey began in a familiar space — dusting off the trusty Wacom pens and diving into sketching. Through numerous iterations, the sketches gradually captured the essence of the campaign's voice, evolving into a labor of love through the arduous digital painting process. We had fun incorporating 2024 New York moments into a piece of work that looks like it came out of 1500s Italy.

StreetEasy has a long and respected history of saturating its marketing materials all over NYC. Works could be seen on subway platforms and train car takeovers. But the mural on Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg, painted by Colossal, captured the spirit of the campaign in a way no other surface could.

We couldn’t make classic New York scenes without including some Easter eggs. It was one of the most enjoyable aspects of this journey to dream up and draw the subtle nods that only locals peering at the ad from their subway seats would catch.
Look closely to see a seagull flying away with someone’s cronut, the peculiar pets on the subway, and New York’s beloved Flaco the owl (too soon?). We can’t forget the local legend who balances the impossible on his head as he bikes around town. These hidden gems add a touch of local charm to the campaign.

Group Creative Director
Thomas Schmid
Executive Producer
Kitty Dillard
Associate Creative Director
Daniel Pernikoff
Senior Producer
Andre Araujo
Alexi Yeldezian
Production Coordinator
Jennifer Blackwell
Art Director
Arielle Casale
Concept Art
Dae-Han Yi
Rich Kelly
Zoe Van Dijk
Devin Korwin
Hardy Fowler
Daniel Valaisis
Greg Yagolnitzer
Rafael Bessa
Technical Director
Nathan Shipley
2D Animation
Daniel Pernikoff
Kyle Snider
Patrick Knip
Mieka Jewett
Cameron Kelly
Creative Director
Dave Tomkins
Martin Baker
Head of Production
Travis Quinn
Hannah Campbell
Joy Adler-Kerekes