Women's Herstory Month
2020 — 2021
This ongoing portrait series honors the historic women who’ve influenced our lives and impacted our culture. BUCK artists illustrating the women who inspire them most—the rest is herstory.

A chronological curation
Centuries’ worth of bad-ass women making moves in every sphere of society. From progressive strides in science to timeless contributions to the art scene, we’re forever indebted to these leading ladies.

Creative Direction
Chris Palazzo
Gareth O'Brien
Mackenzie Alexander
Max Lauter
Amelia Chen
Amelia Giller
Ayla Mortada
Brendi Wedinger
Bryce Pemberton
Chris Palazzo
Daniel Oeffinger
Debora Cruchon
Glen Miralles
Janice Ahn
Jigyu Yoon
Jodi Terwilliger
Lauren Gaballo
Liron Eldar-Ashkenazi
Luke Saunders
Manon Sailly
Manu Correa Soto
Marla Moore
Mercy Lomelin
Philip Sierzega
Shannon Rollins
Sofia Pashaei
Thea Glad
Yeojin Shin